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If there is Will, There's a way

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

I yelled to the cabby "Yo homes,smell ya later."

The 90s era was a time where good respectable shows such as The Cosby's, Fresh Prince, A Different World

What caught my attention was the collaboration with the Brentwood mansion homeowner to work a deal to allow guests to experience a night's stay for around $30 per night.

If there is Will, There's a way

What the 90s shows were about

I remember sitting in front of the TV in the 90s watching Fresh Prince of Bel Aire after school. The 90s era was a time where good respectable shows such as The Cosby's, Fresh Prince, A Different World, and many others showed positive images that gave people a look at what families should be like today.

How Will Smith does extraordinary things and lives life

Will Smith is no stranger to doing extraordinary things such as Skydiving, Scuba diving, to hiking up volcanoes. He's always been a visionary and doing things that make people wonder and think. What caught my attention was the collaboration with the Brentwood mansion homeowner to work a deal to allow guests to experience a night's stay for around $30 per night.

If you'd ever watched the show, you remember many of the home's common areas: the living room, pool house, and kitchen. Will and the crew filmed many of the studios' acts, but some pictures were from the actual property. The show's 30th anniversary was the perfect time to create a trend that fans could experience as if they were on the actual show.

Do you think it's worth the stay?

I'm imagining someone reenacting scenes from the show and posting on Youtube. What would be epic is if the cast surprised random guests as it would be an experience they'd never forget. The stay would be worth the experience for those who are massive fans of the show. If this pandemic weren't here, I'd be out on the first flight to the mansion in hopes of meeting the cast.

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